A happy new year – A happy new life! For a sincere reflection on how we live.

Ein bewegender Brief von einem guten Freund, den ich mit allen Lesern teile:

I just got back from Loei province. We went to a funeral of a young 13
year old girl who had a heart disease since birth (only 2 chambers in
her heart). Two days ago she got very excited and her heart could not
beat fast enough… and she died. Ajahn had a talk at her cremation,
he said that she had done a good job in her short life, she had been a
good girl and nice to people around her. Especially, she had ended her
life in a good way and has not done anything bad, so in the same way,
those people who are much older should reflect whether they are going
to end their lives in such a good way or not. Then we went to the Meru
where the coffin was open and we sprinkled some coconut water over her
body. Her face was quite peaceful. She was quite a pretty girl (and
they put some red lipstick on her lips), her hands were held together
in anjali. It was a nice way to say good bye to her and wish her a
good journey to the next destination, Sugati. The whole village was
there, young and old. It was good to be part of such an event.

from a letter to Bodhi Vihara

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